1. Niel Gows Lament for the Death of his Second Wife
2. Leaving Glen Urquhart * Earl Grey * The Waverley Ball
3. Jig O Slurs * Scaffies Cairt
4. The Duchess of Bedfords Strathspey
5. Willie Pottingers Reel * Miss Dumbreck * Lady Charlotte Campbel
6. Vineta
7. Marcel Martin * Malcolm Finlay * MacArthurs Road
8. Twin Towers Lament
9. Making Babies By Steam * Walls of Liscarroll * Mrs. Oswalds Fav
10. Junes Tune * Gramies Garden * Jeans Reel * Sheehans Reel
11. Cherie-aire
12. The Native Land
13. Gypsy Princess * Sweetness of Mary * The Cape Breton Fiddlers W
14. Ginas Waltz
15. Bon Chnoic Eireann O * An tSean Bhean Bhocht * Reichswall Fores
16. Da Forfeit o da Ship * Jenny Dang the Weaver * The St. Kilda We
17. Song for Taryn