Planet Ariel
Pas Ternelle
Star Juggler
Sarasvati Planet
Part 1
Part 2
Entrance K7
Slow Space Rumba
White Space
Space Morse 2
Force Et Courage
Slow Trancing
Out Of Breath
Ajna Vision
Saint Julien Harmo Flute
Planet Air Variation
Comes with a 12-page 12"-s/w-booklet.
Sarasvati Planet Ariel
"Planet Ariel": Variation on 'Planet Air' (see full version or edited version on Osmose). Recorded and mixed at the GRM studio, Paris, circa 1976.
"Pas Ternelle": Saxophone variation of 'Reternelle' (Le Temps des Moissons). Improvised and mixed at the GRM studio, Paris, circa 1979.
"Star Juggler": Stacked Farfissa Pro and modified Elka keyboards, mixed into a slow flanger. Recorded in Montparnasse, Paris, circa 1976.
"Flamadanse": Open tuned guitar, voice and saxophone into an EMT digital effect! Recorded and mixed at the GRM studio, Paris, circa 1977.
"Sarasvati Planet": I wrote the song traveling in India, 1974. Improvised and mixed at the GRM studio, Paris, circa 1976.
Planet Air (Full Version)
Recorded "on a full moon night, circa 1977, at Chapelle de Vauguillain, St Julien De Sault, France."
Total time: 42:24. Had to be cut in half for the LP version.
"Part 1": Inspired in 1976 at St John the Divine, New York.
"Part 2": Song passage of 'Reves Etranges' composed in 1972.
Ascend Descend
Digitalised and remastered in 2016 with the technical knowledge of Kamal M. Engels at Arto Of Audio, Australia.
"Entrance K7": Developed in the 70's as a way to focus at the beginning of concerts. Recorded in Montparnasse, Paris, circa 1980, with a modified Yamaha PS30 and Wasp synth.
"Slow Space Rumba": Variation of 'Flamadanse'. Recorded in Montparnasse, Paris, circa 1980, with a modified Yamaha PS30, Synare analog Drum and Wasp synth.
"White Space": Recorded at the GRM studio, Paris, circa 1977, with a tone generator and effects.
"Space Morse 2": Recorded at the GRM studio, Paris, circa 1977, with a looped keyboard, Wasp synth, and effects.
Astral Cathedral
"Force et Courage": Composed for rebirthing sessions in Margot Anand's workshops. Recorded at the GRM, Paris, circa 1980 with a modified Yamaha PS30, Synare Analog Drum, Wasp synth and effects.
"Slow Trancing": Recorded in Montparnasse, Paris, circa 1979.
"Out of Breath": Another part composed for rebirthing sessions in Margot Anand's workshops. Recorded at the GRM, Paris, circa 1980 with a modified Yamaha PS30, vocal loops, Synare Analog Drum, Wasp synth, variable speed control Studer, and (lots of) effects.
"Ajna Vision": An Indian pedal harmonium meets a VCS 3 matrix synthesiser and an EMS Pitch to Voltage convertor. Recorded in Montparnasse, Paris, circa 1976.
"Saint Julien Harmo Flute": Calling the muse and playing a high pitched flute with natural echoes. Recorded on a circa 1978 at Chapelle de Vauguillain, St Julien Du Sault, France.
"Planet Air Variation": Another variation on 'Planet Air' (see 'Planet Air Full Version', or edited version of Osmose). Recorded in Montparnasse, Paris, circa 1980 with a modified Yamaha PS30 and Wasp synth.
Graphic Design
Vito Manolo Roma,
Lacquer Cut By
Liner Notes
Ariel Kalma
Photography By
Henri Czechorowski
Recorded At
Studios INA-GRM
Lacquer Cut At