Kale Baveynen--Making The Bride Weep
Baym Rebns Sude--At The Rebbe's Feast
Dem Tsadiks Zemerl--The Sage's Melody
Romanian Fantasy No. 1
Dem Trisker Rebns Khosid--The Follower Of The Rebbe Of Trisk
Kale-kale Mazl Tov--Congratulations To The Brides
A Heimisher Bulgar--Homey Bulgar
L'hu Neroneno--Let Us Rejoice
Beckerman Honga
Romanian Bulgarish
Sha, Sha, Di Shviger Kumt--Quiet Down, Mother-in-law Is Coming
Binyomele's Kholem--Little Benjamin's Dream
Glazier's Hora
Ternovker Sher
Shver Un Shviger--Dance For Parents Of The Bride
Romanian Fantasy No. 3
Naftule Shpilt Far Dem Rebn--Naftule Plays For The Rebbe
A Heimisher Sher--Homey Sher
Binyomele's Vig-lid--Little Benjamin's Lullaby
Come with a 20-pages booklet.
Lauren Brody
Artwork [Paper Art]
Diane Palley
Pablo Aslan
Cimbalom [Tsimbl]
Joshua Horowitz
Design [Cover]
Habib Khoury
Elaine Hoffman Watts
Edited By, Mastered By
Harold Hagopian,
Vince Caro
Engineer [Ass.]
Corey Folta,
Ken Feldman
Matthieu Darriau,
Liner Notes
Walter Zev Feldman
Liner Notes [Text Edited By]
Cynthia Rogers
Photography By
Helma Vincke
Lorin Sklamberg
Producer, Recorded By
Hugo Dwyer
Violin [Fiddle]
Steven Greenman
Violin, Leader
Alicia Svigals