1. Act I (Sleeping Through It All)
2. Act I, Scene I (Dreamed I was Real)
3. Act I, Scene II (Hopeless)
4. Act I, Scene III (The Apology)
5. Act II (Wearing All Your Sadness as a Fashion)
6. Act II, Scene I (Asphyxiate)
7. Act II, Scene II (Youre the One Making All the Cuts)
8. Act II, Scene III (The Echo Before the Sound)
9. Act II, Scene IV (Driving by Starlight)
10. Act II, Scene V (No One Remembers a Wallflower)
11. Act III (Sinners Burn a Little Brighter)
12. Act III, Scene I (Pretty Scar)
13. Act III, Scene II (One Word was Never Worth It)
14. Act III, Scene III (I Will Carve Your Name Into My Heart)
15. Act III, Scene IV (She Runs Like Her Makeup)
16. Curtain Call (I Cant See My Own Reflection Anymore)