1. Laudamus Te, Domine - Theresa Donohoo/Liam Lawton
2. Pieta: The Silence And The Sorrow - Theresa Donohoo
3. The Magnificat: Glorify The Lord - Roison Dempsey
4. The Maiden And The Child - Roison Dempsey
5. Evermore Ill Sing Your Praise - Liam Lawton
6. Send Forth Your Spirit - Roison Dempsey
7. The Lord Will Heal The Broken Heart - Theresa Donohoo
8. Exsultet - Liam Lawton/Theresa Donohoo
9. Gods Holy People - Roison Dempsey
10. Psalm 21: My God, My God - Liam Lawton
11. Let Every Human Heart - Liam Lawton/Roison Dempsey
12. Regina Coeli - Liam Lawton/Roison Dempsey