1. Partners in Creation / Hinay Matov
2. Gathering the Sparks / Simcha Shel Mitzvah
3. Surrender to One / Shema Yisrael
4. Devoted Companion / Chaver Letamid
5. Blessing of Peace / Barchaynu Avinu
6. A Waltz From Heaven / Adon Olam
7. Spiritual Sustenance / Birkat Hamazon
8. Divine Embrace / Shekhinah
9. Welcoming the Angels / Shalom Aleichem
10. A Womans Gift / Eishet Chayel
11. Hearts in Harmony / Vayechad Levavaynu
12. Jacobs Ladder / Sulam Yaakov
13. Come Home to Me / Teshuv Ali