Swung From The Gutters
Ten-Day Interval
I Set My Face To The Hillside
The Equator
A Simple Way To Go Faster Than Light That Does Not Work
The Suspension Bridge At Iquazú Falls
Four-Day Interval
In Sarah, Mencken, Christ, And Beethoven There Were Women And Men
Almost Always Is Nearly Enough
2020 Thrill Jockey repressing. Comes with an enlarged copy of the art booklet that previous versions of the album came with.
The side playing order is denoted by the number of Lego spacemen on the label of each side.
From booklet:
"hey whatsup. welcome to lightning bolt 4.
hypermagic mountain. [text crossed out]
tracks 2, 6, 8, 9, and 11 recorded live to
2 inch tape at machines with magnets
in east providence, thanks to keith souza
and seth for assisting dave a. on
that shit! keiths studio is cool. tracks
1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10 and 12 we did live to dat
machine here in the hillarious attic
lb's current home. dave a. sat behind
a wall and did live mixing even though
he couldn't hear what he was doing
over our noise next door!soon we will
be evicted in a long line of eviction s
to make way for luxury loft for
steralized americans. drink bleach.
jeff "lucid" lipton mastered it in
amazing modern style in (uhg) boston
mass. at peerless. you can check your
email while he makes fun of you. but
we love him! our cats lined up to hear
the finished version. i don't know who
is mastering vinyl right now. all 3
sides of it. forget..... hmmm ok. it
was recorded practically everyday from
may 29 till june 21st. 2005. 2005!
after we toured down to churchhills in
miami and back to warm up. what else
all stuff jammed by brainy g.bson
and brainy chippendale, chip plays
drums vocal noise and tone maker,
[text crossed out] g.bbers plays bass
and pedalpile no overdubs. this time.
i will tell you the lyrics once i
figure out what they are. unintelligable.
fix that guys microphone! we owe
thanks to so many people its impossible
to even begin. load, dave, our close
friends and family people who were
there with us 10 years ago and the
newies - tour helpers and all the
bands in our food group! humans chill
out! there is no back up planet! we live
in providence RI. USA.
write us
Lightning Bolt
Po Box 1361
PRovidence RI 02901
hypermagic mountain wins!
this record is mastered for metal Loudness!!!
welcome to earth!!
chippendale beauchamp
little nephew! - thanks Dave F.
art by L/B
Quirky no more..."
In 95 random copies there's a limited press of the Wrekmeister Harmonies "Then It All Came Down" cover, signed and hand numbered __/95
Artwork [Art By]
Bass, Effects [Pedal Pile]
Drums, Vocals [Vocal Noise], Performer [Tone Maker]
Engineer [Assistant]
Keith Souza (tracks: 2, 6, 8, 9, 11),
Seth, (tracks: 2, 6, 8, 9, 11)
Engineer [Recording Engineer], Other [Therapist, Trouble Maker]
Dave Auchenbach
Mastered By
Jeff "Lucid" Lipton,
Mixed By [Live Mixing]
Dave A.,
Written-By [All Stuff Jammed By]
Brainy Chippendale,
Brainy G.bson,
Recorded At
Machines With Magnets
Recorded At
Hillarious Attic
Mastered At
Peerless Mastering
Mastered At
Trutone Mastering Labs
Pressed By
Record Technology Incorporated