Man‑man Ker = Mon Cheval Bai À L'allure Paisible = My Bayhorse With The Peaceful Gait
Ala‑taw = La Montagne Bigarrée = The Varicoloured Mountain
Aq Küy = L'Air Blanc = The White Tune
Aq Bulaq = La Source Blanche = The White Spring
Bi‑bi = Danse = Dance
Asılım = Ma Vérité = My Truth
Irquz̆an = Le Chant D'Irquz̆an = Irquz̆an's Song
Erkem‑ay = Ma Petite Chérie = My Little Darling
Sar Biday = Graine De Blé = Grain Of Wheat
Balburauyn = Danse En Mouvements Tournoyants = Dance In Twirling Movement
Dedim Ayaw= Ma Douce Protégée = My Sweet Protected One
Balzın Ker = Mon Cheval Bai Châtain = My Chestnut Bayhorse
Dep Saldım Ay = Ainsi J'ai Dit = This Is How I Say It
Gülder Ayım = La Saison Des Fleurs = The Flower Season
Žaralı Böken = Le Cerf Blessé = The Wounded Stag
Adem Aw = La Belle = The Beauty
Qula Ker = Mon Cheval Bai = My Bayhorse
Läylim Širaq = Mon Inaccessible Chérie = My Inaccessible Love
Pay‑pay = Fi ! = Fie!
Aq Böpe = Le Chant D'Aq Böpe = Aq Böpe's Song
Altay Magtaal = Louange À L'Altay = In Praise Of Altay
Altay Magtaal = Louange À L'Altay = In Praise Of Altay
Altay Magtaal = Louange À L'Altay = In Praise Of Altay
Qar Kököl Baatar = Le Héros À La Tresse De Cheveux Noirs = The Hero With The Black-tressed Hair
Qar Kököl Baatar = Le Héros À La Tresse De Cheveux Noirs = The Hero With The Black-tressed Hair
Durée totale: 63:33.
Enregistrements (octobre 1984 et août 1990, Mongolie).
Parutions Initiales : août 1993 (
C 580051 : réédition du LP
558660, augmentée de 20' de musique inédite).
â„— Paris, Septembre 2010.
Made in E.U.
Comes with a 22 page booklet with liner notes in French and English.
Cover [Recto - Soir Appliquée Par]
Ya. Urzin,
U. Yadamsüren,
Cover [Verso - Gravure De]
Design Concept [Identité Visuelle Ocora]
Gros Et Détails,
Edited By [Montage]
Philippe Malidin
Layout [Preparation Du Livret]
KAT-von Der Lippe,
Liner Notes [English Translation]
Jeffrey Grice
Liner Notes [Traductions Des Chants : Kazakhs]
Sabire Köksal
Liner Notes [Traductions Des Chants : Mongols]
Sendenžavyn Dulam
Recorded By [Enregistrements], Photography By, Liner Notes [Texte], Liner Notes [Traductions Des Chants : Mongols], Liner Notes [Traductions Des Chants : Kazakhs]
Alain Desjacques
Record Company
Radio France
Distributed By
Harmonia Mundi Distribution
Glass Mastered At
Arvato Digital Services