1. Te Deum Laudamus
2. Missa Brevis: Kyrie Eleison
3. Missa Brevis: Gloria in Excelsis Deo
4. Missa Brevis: Sanctus
5. Missa Brevis: Benedictus
6. Missa Brevis: The Lords Prayer
7. Missa Brevis: Agnus Dei
8. Ave verum corpus
9. The Carol of King Canute
10. Ely
11. Fenlands: March City of Ely
12. There is no rose of such virtue
13. Sing a new song to the lord
14. Evening Canticles The Fourth Service: no 1, Magnificat
15. Evening Canticles The Fourth Service: no 2, Nunc Dimittis
16. Caedmon: no 1
17. Caedmon: no 2
18. Caedmon: no 3
19. Caedmon: no 4
20. Caedmon: no 5
21. Caedmon: no 6
22. Caedmon: no 7
23. Caedmon: no 8
24. Caedmon: no 9
25. Caedmon: no 10
26. Caedmon: no 11
27. Caedmon: no 12