1. Kontakion for the Forefeast of Christmas Peter Michaelides (b.1930)
2. Glory to God in the Highest
3. Today Christ is born
4. The Magi, Kings of Persia
5. Today Bethlehem receives Him
6. The First Ode of the Kanon for Christmas St. Kosmas the Melodist (8th c.)
7. Apolytikion
8. Megalynarion
9. Christ is Born
10. As many of you as have been baptised Frank Desby (1922�92)
11. Alleluiarion for Christmas Day Byzantine Chant (13th c.)
12. Cherubic Hymn (Mode Plagal IV) Tikey Zes (b. 1927)
13. Megalynarion and Communion Verse for
14. When Augustus Reigned John Vergin (b. 1954)