1. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Duet)
2. I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked
3. Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep
4. Be Thou My Vision / Hymne (Duet)
5. Abide With Me
6. Lord, I Want To Be A Christian / Prelude XIV
7. Jesus Loves Me / Clair de Lune
8. Walk With Him
9. Onward, Christian Soldiers
10. The Prayer (Duet)
11. Rock of Ages
12. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind / He Leadeth Me
13. Rejoicem the Lord is King (Duet)
14. Just A Closer Walk With Thee / I Need Thee Every Hour
15. Sweet Hour of Prayer / Evening Prayer from Hansel and Gretel
16. The Lords Prayer