Larry Polansky’s “freeHorn” is an album of drifting, shape-shifting chamber works, featuring electric guitar performances by the composer and Giacomo Fiore. The textural, ever-morphing title piece, performed by an octet of mixed instruments, and the pulsing electric guitar duo “ii-v-I” modulate between three different natural harmonic series, providing intriguing musical outings that are adrift from the tempered tunings that most of us are accustomed to. The short third track, “minmaj,” another duo for electric guitars, is Polansky’s unusual “translation” of Carl Ruggles’s 1921 brass piece “Angels.” The three works are performed by the composer in the company of a group of Bay Area composer-performers. Music by Polansky has appeared on two earlier Cold Blue releases, CB0011 and CB0036.
Giacomo Fiore (tracks: all)
Co-producer, Design, Photography
Jim Fox (4)
Composed By, Co-producer
Larry Polansky (tracks: all)
Mastered By
Scott Fraser