1. Da-Roadah Pigulet
2. Foothills Jam Am:Pm
3. Cave-Ceiling Dwellers
4. Kierancely-Hyphened [Full On Unplugged/Unfretted]
5. Mirrored In Moving-Glaciers
6. Reflections of a Ghost W/ Nobody
7. Harmonical-Resolutions/Hypnoticight [Retirement Event Improv 07]
8. Sniff OHen
9. Campground On Jupiter-Seas
10. Open-Calls On Double Lunar Closings
11. Climb To Scale a Notation
12. Reprise of Original Arabicey-Theme [Middle-Lakes Name That Tuning Ope
13. Burnt But Not Fried (Slight-Return)
14. Dishes In a Mountain Stream, Washin
15. V-Land Surprise
16. Urinal-Falls Vacation Center Jam