Tremunt Videntes Angeli
Preces And Responses I
Office Hymn: Eternal Monarch, King Most High
Psalm 47
Psalm 108
The Exon Service: I. Magnificat
The Exon Service: II. Nunc Dimittis
Preces And Responses II
Viri Galilaei
Recessional Hymn: Hail The Day That Sees Him Rise
I. Majesté Du Christ Demandant Sa Gloire À Son Père
II. Alléluias Sereins D'une Âme Qui Désire Le Ciel
III. Transports de Joie D'une Âme Devant La Gloire Du Christ Qui Est la Sienne
IV. Prière Du Christ Montant Vers Son Père
Released in a standard jewel case with clear tray.
â„— 2003 Delphian Records Ltd.
© 2019 Delphian Records Ltd.
Choir Of St. Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh
Matthew Owens (2) (tracks: 1-10)
Drew Padrutt
Edited By, Mastered By
Paul Baxter
Tony Kime
Simon Nieminski
Solo Vocal
Ashley Turnell (tracks: 7),
Susan Hamilton (2) (tracks: 7)
Matthew Owens (2) (tracks: 11-14),
Simon Nieminski (tracks: 1-5,8-10)
Soprano Vocals
Susan Hamilton (2)
Record Company
Delphian Records Ltd.
Made By
Delphian Records Ltd.
Recorded At
St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh, Scotland