Opening Credits
Akh, Nye Spitsa Ból'she, Popróbuyu (Katerina)
V Dyévkakh Lúchshe Býlo (Katerina)
Gribki Sevódnya Búdut? (Boris, Katerina)
Prigotóv Otrávu Dlya Krys (Boris, Katerina)
Govori! ... Plotinu-To Na (Zinovy, Millhand, Boris, Chorus, Sergey, Coachman)
Proshcháy, Katerina (Zinovy, Boris, Katerina)
Chevó Vstal? Chevó Ostanovilsa? (Aksinya, Boris)
Ay! Ay! Ay! (Aksinya, Shabby Peasant, Poster, Chorus, Steward, Sergey)
Bárynya! ... Ay! ... Shto S Tobóyu? (Shabby Peasant, Aksinya, Katerina, Sergey)
A Nu-S, Pozvól'te Rúku-s (Sergey, Katerina, Shabby Peasant, Boris)
Spat' Porá. Dyen Proshól (Katerina, Boris)
Zherebyónok K Kobýlke Torópitsa (Katerina)
Kto Éto, Kto Kto Stuchit? (Katerina, Sergey)
Ya Poydú ... Proshcháy (Sergey, Katerina, Boris)
Shto Znáchit Stárost (Boris)
Pod Óknami U Chzuhikh (Boris)
Proshcháy, Kátya, Proshcháy! (Sergey, Boris, Katerina, Chorus, Shabby Peasant, Porter)
Ustál ... Prikázhete Mnye Postegát? (Boris, Porter, Katerina)
V Kladovúyu Sergéya Záperli (Boris, Porter, Katerina)
Vidno, Skóro Uzh Zaryá (Chorus, Boris, Foremen, Priest)
Bátya, Ispovyédatsa (Boris, Priest, Foremen)
Akh, Boris Timoféyevich (Katerina, Priest)
Sergéy, Seryózha! (Katerina, Sergey)
Kátya, Prikhódit Konyéts Lyubvi Náshey (Katerina, Sergey)
Nye Pechál'sa, Sergéy (Katerina, Sergey)
Opyát Usnúl (Katerina, Ghost Of Boris)
Nu? Chevó Tebyé? (Sergey, Katerina)
Slúshay, Sergéy, Sergéy! (Sergey, Katerina)
Katerina ... Kto Tam? (Zinovy, Katerina, Sergey)
Tepyér Shabásh (Sergey, Katerina)
Shto Ty Tut Shoish? (Sergey, Katerina)
U Menyá Bylá Kumá (Shabby Peasant)
Illustrated Synopsis
Lady Macbeth Of Mtsensk: The Tragedy Of Ismailova - A Documentary Film
Sózdan Politséysky Byl Vo Vrémya Onó (Chief Of Police, Policemen)
U Izmaýlovoy Seychás Pir Goróy (Chief Of Police, Policemen, Teacher)
Váshe Blagorodie! ... Chevó Tebýé? (Shabby Peasant, Chief Of Police, Policemen)
Sláva Suprúgam (Chorus, Priest, Katerina)
Shto Takóe? ... Zamók Sórvan (Sergey, Chorus, Katerina, Priest, Drunken Guest)
Shto Takóe? Pózdno! (Katerina, Sergey, Policemen, Chief Of Police)
Vyórsty Odná Za Drugóy (Old Convict, Chorus)
Stepánych! Propustà Menyá (Katerina, Sentry, Sergey)
Nye Lekhkó Pósle Pochóta Da Poklónov (Katerina)
Moyó Pochtyénye! (Sergey, Sonyetka)
Ládno Dostánu! (Sergey, Katerina)
Na ChulkÃ! Idyóm, Tepyér Ty Moyá (Sergey, Sonyetka, Katerina, Chorus, Female Convict, Sentry)
V Lesú, V Sámoy Cháshche Yest' Ózero (Katerina)
Znáesh Li, Sonyétka (Sergey, Sonyetka)
Vstaváy! Po Mestám! Zhivo! (Guard, Chorus, Old Convict)
Akh! ... Bózhe Moy! Shto Takóe? (Sonyetka, Chorus, Guard, Old Convict)
Curtain Calls
End Credits
Recorded live at Het Muziektheater, Amsterdam on 25 & 28 June 2006
Sung in Russian with subtitles in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Dutch.
1080i High Definition 16.9 Blu-ray, with 2.0 and 5.0 PCM
Warning: This production contains stroboscopic light effects, nudity and scenes of a sexual nature.
Made in the UK.
Chorus Of De Nederlandse Opera,
Composed By
Dmitri Shostakovich
Concept By [After The Short Story By]
Nikolai Leskov
Conductor [Musical Director]
Mariss Jansons
Directed By [Stage Director]
Martin Kušej
Libretto By
Alexander Preis,
Dmitri Shostakovich
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra,
Vocals, Performer [Aksinya]
Carole Wilson
Vocals, Performer [Boris Timofeyevich Ismailov]
Vladimir Vaneev
Vocals, Performer [Chief Of Police]
Nikita Storojev
Vocals, Performer [Female Convict]
Carole Wilson
Vocals, Performer [Guard]
Alexander Vassiliev
Vocals, Performer [Katerina Lvovna Ismailova]
Eva-Maria Westbroek
Vocals, Performer [Old Convict]
Vladimir Vaneev
Vocals, Performer [Priest]
Alexander Vassiliev
Vocals, Performer [Sergey]
Christopher Ventris
Vocals, Performer [Shabby Peasant]
Alexandre Kravets
Vocals, Performer [Sonyetka]
Lani Poulson
Vocals, Performer [Teacher]
Valentin Jar
Vocals, Performer [Zinovy Borisovich Ismailov]
LudovÃt Ludha
Made By
Deneder Landse Opera
Recorded At
Het Muziektheater