[A Toy]
A Toye
A Toye
Almaine By Francis Cuttinge
A Toye
A Toye [Up Tails All]
Drawe Neare Me And Lowe Me
A Pavin By Rosseters
A Galyerd By Rossesters
My Lord Willoughbies Welcom Home By Mr Byrde
Mall Symes
[An Allemande]
[A Country Dance]
Besse Bell
De Sarabande
A Pavin By Mr Johnsonn
A Crananto [Coranto]
[A Toy]
A Toye
A Toye [The Friar And The Nun]
[A Toy]
A Pauin By Mr Daniell Bachler
A Galyard By Mr Daniell Bachler
A Fantasia
The Madlay
Sweet Robyne
All the songs are from Jane Pickeringe's lute book, technically known as British Library manuscript Egerton 2046. The composition credits for tracks 11, 12 & 19 plus the arrangement credit for track 10 have question marks after the names indicating that the credits can not be fully confirmed.
Recorded February 6-8, 2001 at the National Centre for Early Music, St. Margaret's Church, York, England.
Instruments used: eight-course lute after Venere, Martin Haycock, 1997, and ten-course lute by Michael Lowe, 1991.
℗ & © Jacob Heringman
Arranged By
Francis Cutting (tracks: 10)
Arranged By [Arrangements, Performing Editions]
Jacob Heringman
Artwork By [Cover Lute Rose Carving]
Michael Lowe
Composed By
Anonymous (tracks: 1 to 3, 5 to 7, 13 to 18, 21 to 25, 29),
Charles De Lespine (tracks: 12),
Daniel Bacheler (tracks: 11, 26, 27),
Francis Cutting (tracks: 4),
Germain Pinel (tracks: 19),
John Dowland (tracks: 30),
John Johnson (8) (tracks: 20),
Philip Rosseter (tracks: 8, 9, 28),
William Byrd (tracks: 10)
Design, Art Direction
Hugh O'Donnell
Liner Notes
Lynda Sayce
Lute [Eight-course]
Jacob Heringman (tracks: 1 to 7, 10, 11, 20 to 24, 29, 30)
Lute [Ten-course]
Jacob Heringman (tracks: 8, 9. 12 to 19, 25 to 28)
Producer, Engineer, Edited By, Photography
Adrian Hunter
Recorded At
The National Centre For Early Music, York