1. Tiger Rag
2. The Music Goes Round And Around
3. The Day I Let You Get Away
4. Rhythm Saved The World
5. At The Codfish Ball
6. The Milkmans Mantinee
7. Twilight In Turkey
8. Hes A Gypsy From Ploughkeepsie
9. Is This Gonna Be My Lucky Summer
10. Youre My Desire
11. Having A Wonderful Time
12. After You
13. The Lady Is A Tramp
14. If The Man In The Moon Were A Coon
15. Nice Work If You Can Get It
16. When The Midnight Choo-Choo Leaves
17. Everybodys Doing It
18. Chinatown, My Chinatown
19. The Sheik Of Araby
20. As Long As You Live
21. Sailing At Midnight
22. You Must Have Benn A Beautifull Baby
23. Alla En El Rancho Grande
24. You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby
25. Alla en el Rancho Grande