Symphony No. 1
I. Passacaille. Andante
II. Scherzo. Molto Vivace
III. Intermezzo. Lento
IV. Finale, Con Variazioni. Largamente - Allegro - Scherzo - Lento
Symphony No. 2 «Le Double»
I. Animato, Ma Misterioso
II. Andante Sostenuto
III. Allegro Furoso - Calmato
Le Loup (Ballet De Roland Petit Sur Un Argument De Jean Anouilh Et Geroges Neveux)
1er Tableau: Une Clairière - La Montreur de Bêtes - Passage de la Noce - Variations de la Gitane Et Pas de Deux (le Marié Et la Gitane) - Substitution Du Loup Au Jeune Marié - Interlude
2e Tableau: La Chambre Nuptiale (Pas de Deux) - Adage (Le Loup Et La Belle) - Interruption Des Commères - Interlude
3e Tableau: La Forêt - Pas de Deux - Poursuite Du Loup Et de La Belle - La Mort
Métaboles (Dedicated To George Szell)
Timbres, Espace, Mouvement Ou «La Nuit Étoilée» (Dedicated To Msitislav Rostropovich And In Memory Of Charles Munch)
Premier Mouvement («Nébuleuse»)
Deuxième Mouvement («Contellations»)
Mystère de L'instant (for 24 Strings, Cimbalom And Percussion - Dedicated To Paul Sacher)
I. Appels
II. Échos
III. Prismes
IV. Espaces Lointains
V. Litanies
VI. Choral
VII. Rumeurs
VIII. Soliloques
IX. Métamorphoses (Sur Le Nom de SACHER)
X. Embrasement
The Shadows Of Time (5 Episodes For Orchestra & Children's Voices)
I. Les Heures
II. Ariel Maléfique
III. Mémoire Des Ombres "Pour Anne Frank Et Pour Tous Les Enfants Du Monde, Innocents" - Interlude
IV. Vague De Lumière
V. Dominante Bleue ?
Le Loup (Symphonic Fragments) (Ballet Du Roland Petit Sur Un Argument de Jean Anouilh Et Georges Neveux)
1er Tableau: La Baraque Foraine: Les Mystifications
2e Tableau: La Chambre Nuptiale: La Belle Et La Bête
3e Tableau: La Forêt D'Hiver: Danse D'Amour, Danse De Mort
Tout Un Monde Lointain (Cello Concerto - Dedicated To Mstislav Rostropovich)
I. Enigme (Très Libre Et Flexible)
II. Regard (Extrêmement Calme)
III. Houles (Large Et Ample)
IV. Miroirs (Lent Et Extatique)
V. Hymne (Allegro)
Trois Strophes Sur Le Nom de Sacher (For Unaccompanied Cello)
I. Un Poco Indeciso
II. Andante Sostenuto
III. Vivace
L'Arbre Des Songes (Violin Concerto)
I. Librement
Interlude 1
II. Vif
Interlude 2
III. Lent
Interlude 3
IV. Large Et Animé
Sur Le Même Accord (Nocturne For Violin And Orchestra)
2 Sonnets De Jean Cassou (For Baritone & Piano)
Il N'y Avait Que Des Troncs Déchirés
J'ai Rêvé Que Je Vous Portais Entre Mes Bras
San Francisco Night (For Soprano & Piano - Dedicated To The Memory Of Francis Poulenc)
Correspondences (For Voice & Orchestra - Dedicated To Dawn Upshaw)
I. Gong (1)
II. Danse Cosmique
III. À Slava Et Galina
IV. Gong (2)
V. De Vincent À Thèo
Le Temps L'horloge (For Voice & Orchestra - Dedicated To Renée Fleming)
I. Le Temps L'horloge
II. Le Masque
III. Le Dernier Poème
IV. Interlude
__ V. Enivrez-vous
Piano Sonata
I. Allegro Con Moto
II. Lied (Lent)
III. Choral Et Variations
I. D'ombre Et De Silence
II. Sur Un Même Accord
III. Le Jeu Des Contraires
Figures De Résonances (For 2 Pianos)
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
Tous Les Chemins ... Mènent À Rome (From Marguerite Long's «Petite Méthode De Piano»)
Bergerie (From «Jardin D'enfants»)
Résonances (From «Les Nouveaux Musiciens» - Dedicated To Lucette Descaves)
Au Gré Des Ondes (6 Petite Pièces Pour Piano)
I. Prélude En Berceuse
II. Claquettes
III. Improvisation
IV. Mouvement perpétuel
V. Hommage À Bach
VI. Etude
Ainsi La Nuit (For String Quartet)
(Introduction) I. Nocturne
Parenthèse 1 II. Miroir d'Espace
Parenthèse 2 III. Litanies
Parenthèse 3 IV. Litanies 2
Parenthèse 4 V. Constellations - VI. Nocturne 2 - VII. Temps
Sonatina For Flute & Piano
Sonata For Oboe & Piano
I. Aria: Grave
II. Scherzo: Vif
III. Final: Assez Allant
Sarabande Et Cortège (For Bassoon & Piano)
Choral, Cadence Et Fugato (For Trombone & Piano)
Cadence Et Fugue
Les Citations (Diptych For Oboe, Harpsichord, Double Bass & Percussion)
For Aldeburgh 85
From Janequin To Jehan Alain
The Centenary Edition - Assembled to mark the centenary of Henri Dutilleux (1916-2013), this collection of recordings, produced over a period of nearly 60 years, is unrivaled in its scope. Equally remarkable is its array of performers, among them are such dedicatees of the composer's works as Mstislav Rostropovich, Renée Fleming, Seiji Ozawa, and Paul Sacher. Quintessentially French, Dutilleux captured the imagination of audiences around the world with his iridescent, yet formally coherent scores, which engender narratives filled with memories and mystery.
This compilation ℗ & © 2015 Parlophone Records Limited, a Warner Music Group Company.
Made in the EU.
CD 1 - ℗ 1967 Erato Disques, a Warner Music UK Division (5-7), 2015 Orchestre de Paris , under exclusive license to Parlophone Records Limited, a Warner Music Group Company (1-4)
CD 2 - ℗ 1955 Warner Music France, original recording Ducretet-Thomson (1-3), 1983 Erato Disques, a Warner Music UK Division (9-10), 2015 Orchestre de Paris , under exclusive license to Parlophone Records Limited, a Warner Music Group Company (4-8)
CD 3 - ℗ 1962 Warner Music France, a Warner Music Group Company (17-19), 1992 (1-10) & 1998 (11-16) Erato Disques, a Warner Music UK Division
CD 4 - ℗ 1975 (& Digital remastering ℗ 2001) (1-5) & 2002 (6-15) Parlophone Records Ltd, a Warner Music Group Company, 2015 Orchestre de Paris, under exclusive license to Parlophone Records Limited, a Warner Music Group Company (16)
CD 5 - ℗ 1994 (1-2) & 1999 (3) Erato Disques, a Warner Music UK Division, 2002 Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin (4-9), 2012 Decca Music Group Limited (10-14)
CD 6 - ℗ 1994 Erato Disques, a Warner Music UK Division (1-10), 1996 Parlophone Records Limited, a Warner Music Group Company (11-20)
CD 7 - ℗ 1994 Erato Disques, a Warner Music UK Division (1-5, 16-17), 1994 (9-11) & 1997 (6-8) Parlophone Records Ltd, a Warner Music Group Company, 2007 Indésens Records under license to Parlophone Records Ltd. (12-15)
Recording history:
CD 1 - Symphony No. 1 recorded 20-23.III.2013, Paris, Salle Pleyel; Symphony No. 2 recorded 24-24.VI.1965, Paris, Eglise Notre-Dame du Liban
CD 2 - Le Loup recorded in the presence of the composer, 27.IX.1954, Salle Adyar, Paris; Métaboles recorded 30.IV. & 2.V.2013, Paris, Salle Pleyel; Timbres, espace, mouvement recorded VII.1992
CD 3 - Mystère de l'instant recorded IX.1990; Shadows of Time recorded 13 7 14.III.1998, Symphony Hall, Boston (Live recording); Le Loup (Symphonic fragments) recorded 18, 25-26.IX & 17.X.1961, Salle Wagram, Paris
CD 4 - Cello Concerto recorded 5-6.XI.1974, Salle Wagram, Paris; Trois Strophes recorded 9-10.II.2002, Lommedalen Church, Oslo; Violin Concerto recorded 8-11.II.2001, Salle Pleyel, Paris; Sur le même accord recorded 7.XI.2012, Salle Pleyel, Paris
CD 5 - 2 Sonnets recorded XI.1993, Auditorium des Halles, Paris; San Francisco Night recorded 26.III.1991, Théâtre des Champs-Elyséees, Paris (Live recording); Correspondences recorded XII.2011, Opéra de Paris-Bastille, Salle Liebermann; Le Temps recorded 7.V.2009, Théâtre des Champs-Elyséees, Paris
CD 6 - Piano Sonata, 3 Préludes, and Figures recorded XII.1988; Tous les Chemins..., Bergerie, Blackbird, Résonances, and Au gré des ondes recorded 14-17.II.1996, Henry Wood Hall, London
CD 7 - Ainsi la nuit recorded VI.1991; Sonatina recorded 17-19.II.1997, St. Michael's Church, Highgate, London; Sonata recorded VII-VIII.1990, Seldon Hall, Haberdasher's Aske's School, Elstree, Herts; Sarabande recorded V.2007, Paris, Temple Saint-Marcel; Choral recorded IV.2007, Meudon; Les Citations recorded X.1992, Studio 103, Radio France
Composed By
Henri Dutilleux
Edited By
Aude-Marie Piloz (tracks: 4-16),
Bruno Roncière (tracks: 7-16 to 7-17),
Daniel Zalay (tracks: 1-1 to 1-4, 2-4 to 2-8),
Dimitri Scapolan (tracks: 5-4 to 5-9),
Françoise Garcin (tracks: 1-5 to 1-7; 3-1 to 3-10, 6-1 to 6-3),
Geoff Miles (tracks: 4-6 to 4-8),
Jeffrey Baust, (tracks: 3-11 to 3-15),
Laure Jung Lancrey (tracks: 1-1 to 1-4),
Philippe Petit (8) (tracks: 5-10 to 5-14),
Sylvain Dangoise (tracks: 4-9 to 4-15),
Ysabelle Van Wersch-Cot (tracks: 5-1 to 5-2, 6-4 to 6-10, 7-1 to 7-5)
Engineer [Balance]
Bernard Leroux (tracks: 1-5 to 1-7),
Cyril Becue (tracks: 1-1 to 1-4, 4-9 to 4-15, 5-4 to 5-9),
Didier Gervais (tracks: 3-1 to 3-10),
Geoff Miles (tracks: 4-6 to 4-8),
Gilles Pezerat (tracks: 7-16 to 7-17),
Guy Chesnais (tracks: 2-9 to 2-10),
Hugues Deschaux (tracks: 2-4 to 2-8),
Jacques Boisgallais (tracks: 1-5 to 1-7),
Jacques Doll (tracks: 5-1 to 5-2, 5-3, 6-4 to 6-10, 7-1 to 7-5),
Jean Chatauret (tracks: 6-1 to 6-3),
John Newton (tracks: 3-11 to 3-15),
Joël Soupiron (tracks: 5-10 to 5-14),
Michel Lepage (tracks: 2-9 to 2-10),
Mike Cox (tracks: 6-11 to 6-20),
Mike Hatch (tracks: 6-11 to 6-20),
Paul Vavasseur (tracks: 3-16 to 3-18, 4-1 to 4-5),
Simon Rhodes (tracks: 7-6 to 7-8),
Steve Portnoi (tracks: 7-9 to 7-11)
Ben Pateman (tracks: 5-10 to 5-14),
Renaud Loranger (tracks: 5-4 to 5-9)
Mastered By
Hugues Deschaux (tracks: 4-16)
Other [Sound Assistant]
Mélina Avenati (tracks: 4-16)
Other [With Kind Permission Of]
Indésens Records (tracks: 7-12 to 7-15)
Alain de Chambure (tracks: 7-16 to 7-17),
Arnaud Moral (tracks: 4-9 to 4-15),
Aude-Marie Piloz (tracks: 4-16),
Daniel Zalay (tracks: 1-1 to 1-4, 2-4 to 2-8),
David Mottley (tracks: 4-1 to 4-5),
Etienne Pipard (tracks: 5-10 to 5-14),
Geoff Miles (tracks: 4-6 to 4-8),
Henri Dutilleux (tracks: 3-1 to 3-10, 5-1 to 5-2, 6-1 to 6-10, 7-1 to 7-5),
John H. West (tracks: 6-11 to 6-20),
Martin Sauer (tracks: 3-11 to 3-15),
Michel Garcin (tracks: 1-5 to 1-7, 2-9 to 2-10, 6-1 to 6-3, 7-16 to 7-17),
Paul Malinowski (2) (tracks: 5-4 to 5-9),
Paul Spicer (tracks: 7-9 to 7-11),
René Challan (tracks: 3-16 to 3-18),
Simon Woods (tracks: 7-6 to 7-8),
Tim Oldham (tracks: 5-3),
Truls Mørk (tracks: 4-6 to 4-8),
Ysabelle Van Wersch-Cot
Manufactured By
Optimal Media GmbH
Manufactured By
Optimal Media GmbH
Manufactured By
Optimal Media GmbH
Manufactured By
Optimal Media GmbH
Manufactured By
Optimal Media GmbH
Manufactured By
Optimal Media GmbH
Manufactured By
Optimal Media GmbH
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Parlophone Records Ltd.
Copyright (c)
Parlophone Records Ltd.