And I Didn’t Want You
You Can’t Make It Alone
Lily Of The Valley
I Saw Her Cry
Sleep A Million Years
Me Lovin’ You
To See Her Smile
Not Down This Low
Baby’s Back
Lonesome City
Mountain Roads
Lonely Entertainer
Buffalo Skinners
All Cried Out
Gentle One
I Knew Her Well
The Spirit Of The Golden Juice
Alabama Railroad Town
Hype Sticker Text:
"It's basically a Southern soul group playing country and gospel-oriented music with a steel guitar." - Gram Parsons
Over 19 tracks, Wayfaring Strangers: Cosmic American Music mines gold from dollar bin country-rock detritus to reconstruct events as seen from the genre's wild west - Americana's vast private press substructure.
Compiled By, Liner Notes
Douglas McGowan
T.A. Breen
Lacquer Cut By
Liner Notes
Isaac Fink,
Jon Kirby (2),
Judson Picco,
Ryan Boyle (2)
Mastered By
Jeff Lipton,
Maria Rice
Henry Diltz
Reissue Producer, Compiled By, Liner Notes
Blake Rhein,
Rob Sevier
Reissue Producer, Liner Notes
Ken Shipley
Lacquer Cut At
Nashville Record Productions