Bloc 1
Le Gars Qui Magasine - Chaise De Patio
Appeler Dieu
Jean-Charles - L'hôpital
Clients Très Fatiguants Au Restaurant
Télé Communautaire - Esthéticienne
Tribunal - Adultère
Le Gars Qui Magasine - Claviers
Chanson Inégale
Bloc 2
Le Gars Qui Magasine - Robinets
Le Voisin Qui Dérange
Le Gaffeur - #2
Le Gars Qui Magasine - Téléviseur
Téléromans - "Elle Me Trompe"
Emprunt À La Banque
Le Gars Qui Magasine - Piscine
Dinde Rôtie
Bloc 3
Le Gars Qui Magasine - Chaloupe
Les Clowns Bougons
Réclamation D'assurances
Le Zélé
Artiste Au Restaurant
Télé Communautaire - Adrien
Le Gars Qui Magasine - Divan
C'est Encore Dieu
Bloc 4
Le Gars Qui Magasine - Foyers
Chansonnier De Bar
Lendemain De Veille
Téléroman - Bruits D'assiettes
Jean-Charles - La Réprimande
Novembre "Déprime"
Le Gars Qui Magasine - "Chars"
La Grippe
This album is more of a compilation of unreleased material, taken from 1990 to 2002. Francois Perusse went to his vault and selected some of the best pieces that never made any albums, on top of a selection of his best radio clips. At the time, he had found over 300 websites hosting pirated content from his radio show and he decided to offer something official to the fans as an alternative.
Jewel case, inlay with no lyrics but have a message from the author. On the back cover, the "Intro" is stated to be within "Bloc 1", but It's actually a separate track in itself. Bloc 1 is actually track 2 and does not include the intro. Fabriqué et distribué au Canada par Universal Music, 2450 Victoria Park Ave., Toronto (Ontario) M2J 4A2.
The jewel case also contains a hidden "Pirate Card" located in the tray section, behind the CD. The cards each feature an individual code giving access to a restricted area of Francois Pérusse's website, There, additional content can be downloaded and streamed, including unreleased b-sides and cuts unused on "L'album Pirate", new "2 Minutes Du Peuple" radio sketches, unreleased songs, videos and other exclusive goodies.
Art Direction, Design Concept
Marie Barcelo
Mélissa Wilcox,
Roch Larochelle
Mastered By
Jean-François Chicoine
Producer, Mixed By, Recorded By, Written-By, Vocals, Performer
François Pérusse
Production Manager
Pierre Dumont
Manufactured By
Universal Music
Distributed By
Universal Music
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Les Productions Du Peuple
Copyright (c)
Del Monte Musique Inc.
Mastered At
Disques SNB Ltée.
Recorded At
Studio Basile
Mixed At
Studio Basile
Pressed By
Designed At
Larochelle & Associés Communications