Many Lessons
Liye Raam
Selebou Yoon
Jbal Atlas
My Life In The Ghetto
Ya Rassulilah
In God We Trust
Jeuf Jel Leu
Mighty Intelligence
Piranha Musik 2008. Digipack CD compilation. 14 tracks + bonus video interview with Sister Fa.
Bored with those Yankee rappers? Then go east, young man. Prominent American Muslim rappers Lupe Fiasco, Mos Def or Jurassic 5 are often asked about their beliefs and how these conflict with hip-hop. Orthodox Muslims, on the other hand, are generally suspicious of pop culture - especially of American hip-hop culture which often celebrates materialism and openly flaunts sexuality.
But in Western Africa, hip-hop and Islam aren't at odds with one another. Hip-hop is the major musical form among the young in West Africa, but precious little has been available in the West. Here, positive lyrics and Islamic slant go hand in hand with African instruments and rhythms, although both American and French influence loom large in the background. The music is both raggedly beautiful and richly melodic, and when they go into a mix of R&B and rap they conjure up one of the hippest pieces of sacred music around. Some artists combine devoutness with social criticism, others criticize using religion to achieve political aims.
"Many Lessons" offers a new, different and young approach to Islam and its topics. Soulful and enticing, this is religion with plenty of invention and spicy surprises. Relish the flow and let the spirit move you.
Liner Notes
Daniel Bax