1. Promenade of the Haunting Spirits...
2. Gothic Fog...
3. Costa Rican Beauty
4. Diffused Light...
5. Alone
6. When I First Held You
7. Truest Heart...
8. Edgar Allen Poes PhantazmiK Glass of Primordial Desires...
9. 80s New Wave Love Song
10. Robot Under the October Moon
11. MOM
12. Love is a Physiological Event...
13. A Second of Lucidity...
14. Promenade of the Haunting Spirits...An Ode to Kytas Lower Lip:
15. Gothic Fog...A Cybernetic Luminous Vapor: POETRY Mix OS1R120L2
16. Slow Filter #91378-10 Comes by Means of an Alluring Glass Being.