1. Psycho Loose
2. Dont Look Behind That Door!
3. Rain, Thunder, Squeaky Shutters
4. Tornado Coming
5. Torture Factory
6. Hiding in Cave from Wolves
7. Driving into Lake Drowning
8. Being Whipped in Public
9. Flame Throwers
10. In the Frying Pan
11. Fire Low Rumble, Crackle
12. Sizzling Flesh
13. Sizzling
14. Foot Steps
15. Hell Factory
16. Psycho Loose in Factory
17. Screams - Female
18. Screams - Male
19. Door Flapping - Rain Outside
20. Scraping a Chalk Board
21. Squeaky Hinge 1
22. Squeaky Hinge 2
23. Shutter Bang & Squeak, Rain
24. Whip Cracking
25. Arrow Shoot
26. Ax in Head
27. Skull Crush
28. Rip/Tear
29. Knife Stabs
30. Punch, Smack, Fall Squish
31. Body Falls
32. Blood Suck
33. Flesh Ripping
34. Wind Blowing 1
35. Wind Blowing 2
36. Wind Blowing 3
37. Atmosphere Music - Horror
38. Animals - Creature Snarls
39. Animals - Birds - Crow, Loon
40. Animals - Dogs
41. Animals - Killer Bee
42. Animals - Wolves
43. Chainsaw
44. Rattle
45. Chanting Crowd
46. Train - Slow & Screatchy
47. Train Passing Distance, Light Rain
48. Clock-Tick, Cuckoo, Grandfather
49. Crashes - Glass, Wood
50. Creature Chained in Basement
51. Crickets in the Rain
52. Car Skid - Car Crash
53. Dentist Drill
54. Door - Bell
55. Door - Wood, Light Squeak
56. Door - Attic
57. Door - Church
58. Door - Knob Rattle
59. Door - Knock & Rattle
60. Door - Squaky Open & Slam Close
61. Doors - 2 Large & Squeaky
62. Doors - Jail
63. Drum - Angry Natives
64. Electric Zaps
65. Evil Drones
66. Gate Slide - Large
67. Ghost Sitting
68. Explosions
69. Gun - Machine
70. Gun - Richochets
71. Gun - Tank
72. Gun - Hand, Shot
73. Missiles
74. Heartbeat
75. Low Alien Pulsing
76. Machinery - Electric, Steam
77. Morse Code
78. Music - Piano Accents
79. Music - Piano Short Scrapes
80. Music - Piano Shrieks
81. Music - Sinister
82. Music - Stabs
83. Music - Tension
84. Thunder Claps
85. Light Rain
86. Shower Curtain Slide
87. Squeaky Gate
88. Squeaky Shutter - Rain 1
89. Squeaky Shutter - Rain 2
90. Steam Blast
91. Sword Draw
92. Volcano Erupt
93. Walking Giant
94. Water - Body Fall
95. Water - Underwater, Bubbles
96. Whistle Steam
97. Window - Open, Close
98. Window - Open, Close, Rain
99. Wood - Squeaky, Creaky