1. Walking Tune After Sens John [Gånglåt Efter Sens John]
2. Waltz from Orsa
3. Walking Tune After Mattias Blom [Gånglåt Efter Mattias Blom]
4. Parsons Farewell
5. Fjunas Waltz
6. Polka from Kåll [Polka Med Bakmes Från Kåll]
7. Black Rogue/Tobins Favorite/Lark in the Morning
8. Bourrée from Berry
9. French Mazurka
10. Paro Lou Loup, Lo Calho
11. Gankino Horo
12. Sitna Lesa [Small and Easy]
13. Srpkinja [Serbian Girl]
14. Rachenitsa [Little Handkerchief]
15. Presjekaca [Cutting Through]
16. Paidushka [Limping Dance]
17. New Years Greeting [Schottish]
18. Waltz from Ore
19. Top of Cork Road/Tar Road to Sligo
20. Childgrove
21. Fairies
22. Olles Hambo
23. Baba-Lisas Hyfsn
24. Heallth to the Ladies/Blackthorn Stick
25. Trip to Durro/Boy in the Gap