1. Act 1. Prelude: Dawn over the Moscow River
2. Act 2. Sily potajnye (Mysterious forces) (Marfas divination)
3. Act 3. Scene and chorus. Batya, batya, vyijdi k nam! (Chief-our-father, come to us!)
4. Prelude: A hymn to nature
5. The battle near the Kerzhenets River
6. Act 2. Songs of the Foreign Merchant Traders. Song of the Varangian (Viking) Guest
7. Act 2. Songs of the Foreign Merchant Traders. Song of the Indian Guest
8. Act 2. Songs of the Foreign Merchant Traders. Song of the Venetian Guest
9. Act 3. Polonaise
10. Act 2. Kuda, kuda vyi udalilis? (Where, oh where have you gone?)
11. Prologue. Coronation Scene