Sex With A Tree
Free Peepshow
Princess Stench
PotaToe Bug
I Love Beans
Ferris Wheel
Too Many Fish
Great Balls Of Fire
Crime Fighting Pelican
My Thoughts On Boogers
Check Out My Rash
[Liner notes]
Recorded to analog tape at Wetandry Studios, Los Angeles, CA. Francis Miranda, Audio Pilot. Mastered by Dave Schultz at Digiprep, LA, CA
Sarah Laundry - Vocals
Gingaah with Flare - Guitar
Beeny McBean - Drums
Mikki Superb - Bass
Once upon a time there was a girl, a girl, a girl, and another girl, and one day they were roasting chestnuts on an open fire and thought to themselves, YAY! OVARIES. Then they joined forces with Earl, the very hairy nudist, and Princess Stench and saved the world from the evil bad guy of bad and then fined the circus and had sex with a tree.
Wiggins Fo LYFE. END.
Mastered By
Dave Schultz
Photography By
Larry Hirshowitz,
Team Goon
Chris Bagarozzi