1. Mary Had A Choice Too (Behold Mother) (Mark Brine)
2. My Christmas Song for You (Will Travis)
3. Emmanuel (God With Us) (Mark Brine)
4. Snowfall (Geoff Bartley)
5. Your Doorway (Christmas Eve) (Mark Brine)
6. Watching Their Flocks (David Nevue)
7. It All Began With Love (Keeve Brine)
8. Medley: Hark the Herald Angels Sing / I Wonder As I Wander (Greg Szczeszek)
9. Three Holy Men (Doug Atkin)
10. Wise Men (Mark Brine)
11. O Holy Night (Linda Joseph)
12. The Christmas Tree in Mothers House (Larry Whinnery)
13. The Carol (aka The Christmas Carol No One Listens For) (Mark Brine)
14. Silent Night (Tom Pomposello)