Das Grosse Huhn - The Big Hen
Das Zarte Huhn - The Gentle Hen
Der Hahn - The Rooster
Der Marsch - March
Fliegen - Flying
Zwiegespräch - Dialogue
Landschaft Mit Vogel - Landscape With Bird
8:19 |
Clarinet, Soprano Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone – - Christoph Reiserer
Illustration – - Christoph Heemann
Mastered By – - Wolfgang Obrecht
Xylophone [Lithophon (Serpentinit)], Strings [Ballaststring], Drums [Tubedrums], Timpani [Kettledrum], Violin, Voice – - Limpe Fuchs
Mastered At Tonstudio RichArt
Glass Mastered at Disc Makers