1. CD Introduction
2. Dr. McCartys Personal Journey into Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology
3. Perceiving the Wholeness of Being; an Experience with Dr. William Emers
4. Ancient Wisdom of Our Core Spiritual Nature
5. Childs Preconception Memory, I Saw You Through the Light
6. Communicating from the First Moments
7. Sacred Beginnings as the Primary Learning Period
8. How Parents Nourish Babys Wholeness and Positive Learning
9. Prenatal Memory of a Stressful Trip, I Was There Too!
10. Father-Daughter Story of Healing an Unwanted Pregnancy
11. Story of Healing a Preschoolers Birth Separation Distress
12. Mother Helps Her Four-Year-Old Heal His Difficult Birth Experience/Core
13. Concluding Remarks
14. Credits