1. Praise to the Lord, The Almighty - The Good Shepherd Band, Neander
2. Be Thou My Vision - The Good Shepherd Band, Forgaill
3. Ah, Holy Jesus - The Good Shepherd Band, Heerman
4. The Love of God - The Good Shepherd Band, Lehman
5. Brethren, We Have Met to Worship - The Good Shepherd Band, Atkins
6. O, The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus - The Good Shepherd Band, Francis
7. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - The Good Shepherd Band, Luther, Martin
8. Be Still My Soul - The Good Shepherd Band, Schlegel
9. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - The Good Shepherd Band, Watts
10. Holy, Holy, Holy! - The Good Shepherd Band, Heber
11. Sweet Rivers - The Good Shepherd Band, Granade