1. O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing - Diane Gibbs, Wesley, Charles
2. Love of the Living God - Diane Gibbs, Bonar, Horatius
3. Come to the Waters - Diane Gibbs, Boice, James
4. Against a Thorn - Diane Gibbs, Cowman, LB
5. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms - Diane Gibbs, Hoffman, Elisha
6. O Light of Light - Diane Gibbs, Housman, Laurence
7. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross - Diane Gibbs, Watts, Isaac
8. Winter Storm - Diane Gibbs, Cowman, LB
9. I Need Thee Every Hour - Diane Gibbs, Hawks, Annie S.
10. Behold the Savior of Mankind - Diane Gibbs, Wesley, Samuel
11. Sometime, Somewhere - Diane Gibbs, Browning, Ophelia G
12. King of Glory - Diane Gibbs, Herbert, George
13. The Eye of the Storm - Diane Gibbs, Cowman, LB