Pieces For Nothing Bat-Yam Too Many Of Them Immer Vorbei Animal Killers À La Recherche De B. À La Recherche De B. Scratch Holiday Scratch Holiday Un Chien... Odessa Chez Les Futuristes Russes Ossip Et Lili Lili Danse Retour Chez Les Futuristes Mort De Velimir Verdun Fanfare No One Expects The Spanish Inquisition Driving To Verdun
Tracks 1 to 4 made to measure for a ballet by Pierre Droulers. Track 5 is an aural backdrop made to measure for a fashion exhibition ("Huit Jeunes Stylistes Limbourgeois"). Track 6 made to measure for The Honeymoon Killers' "Pan! Dans Les Vacances" private movie. All sounds generated with a turntable. Tracks 7 to 12 made to measure for a play by Michel Gheude based on the life of Maïakovsky. Tracks 13 to 15 made to measure for "Het Veld Van Eer", a film by Bob Visser.
Layout [Cover Layout] – - Stassart * Painting [Cover Painting] – - Fernand Steven Producer – - Gilles Martin (tracks: 1 to 5, 7 to 15), - Marc Hollander (tracks: 7 to 12), - Peter Principle (tracks: 1 to 4), - Tuxedomoon (tracks: 12 to 15), - Vincent Kenis (tracks: 7 to 12)Recorded By – - Gilles Martin (tracks: 1 to 4, 7 to 12), - Marc Hollander (tracks: 7 to 12), - Peter Principle (tracks: 1 to 4), - Vincent Kenis (tracks: 7 to 12)Saxophone, Clarinet – - Steven Brown (tracks: 1 to 4)Violin – - Jeannot Gillis (tracks: 1 to 4)
Phonographic Copyright Crammed Discs Copyright Crammed Discs Published By Crammed Music Published By Strictly Confidential 2