One More Time Around
Broken Dreams
See You On Mean Street
In The Past Again
Queen Of Midnight
Television Heart
Twilight Waltz
Don't Let Them Know
Ptolemaic Love Call
Strippers & Clowns
Signed Alan Moore & Mitch Jenkins - Show Pieces [2015] DVD & CD Boxset
DVD and audio CD boxset featuring 100 page + illustrated screenplay / storyboard book by Alan Moore and comic book artist Kristian Hammerstad. The DVD includes 5 short films and extra bonus material including interviews with Alan and Mitch, a total running time of 134 minutes and 21 seconds. The soundtrack to the films on CD. Writer Alan Moore – best known for his ground-breaking comic books, including; V For Vendetta, From Hell and Watchmen – and director Mitch Jenkins have made five, richly detailed neo-noir films set in small town England (Northampton) and the parallel universe (Nighthampton). Like a British version of Twin Peaks, these shorts tell the first parts of a huge new Alan Moore story.
Notably the project is Moore’s first work written specifically for the screen and made with his full input and ongoing creative involvement.
Short Film Synopsis
1) Act of Faith: The eerie, and borderline surreal short starring Siobhan Hewlett that begins our introduction to the world of The Show.
2) Jimmy’s End: Louche and hard-drinking womaniser James Mitchum (Darrell D'Silva) finds himself wandering into one strange bar too many. Filmed though the lushly textured eye of Jenkins’ light saturated photography, Jimmy's End is a deliberate foray into the uncanny constructed through Moore's eyes.
3) Upon Reflection: Leonard Brock talks shop in a fly on the wall view of St. James Working Men’s Club. The arrival of a visitor disrupts the maudlin equilibrium of the evening.
4) A Professional Relationship: Matchbright and Metterton - a working partnership, a meeting of two minds. A Double Act. Well at least that's the general concept. All is fair in love and war.
5) His Heavy Heart: His Heavy Heart pulls James out of that white light and back into colour.