1. In Babilone (Theres a Wideness in Gods Mercy)
2. No Ke Ano Ahi Ahi (Song of the Body of Christ)
3. Leoni (The God of Abraham)
4. Finlandia (This Is My Song)
5. New Britain (Amazing Grace)
6. Beach Spring (God of Day & God of Darkness)
7. Wade in the Water
8. Picardy (Christians, Let Us Love One Another)
9. Star of the County Down (Canticle of the Turning)
10. Slane (Lord of All Hopefulness)
11. Bunessan (Morning Has Broken)
12. Gott Vater Sei Gepreisen (All Praise & Glad Thanksgiving)
13. Pleading Savior (Sing of Mary)
14. Lambillotte (Come, Holy Ghost)
15. Old Hundredth (Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow)
16. King of Glory
17. Saint Richard
18. Victory (The Strife Is Oer)