Libanon 1
Libanon 2
Libanon 3
Libanon 4
Libanon 5
Libanon 6
Libanon 7
'Libanon' is music for the film "MaƮtre, lihseb please" by Michael Shamberg.
Composed and performed by Rayon aka Markus Acher, with the help of Sebastian Hess on cello, a computer, a harmonium and a few libanese records . The music was also heavily inspired by the work of photographer Fouad Elkoury (one of his pictures of Beirut is on the cover - 'Beirut City Centre' 1991) and writer Etel Adnan (Benjamin's Briefcase).
Mastered at Abbey Road
With credits/info insert.
Andreas Gerth
Sebastian Hess
Photography By
Fouad Elkoury
Producer, Written-By, Guitar, Computer
Markus Acher