Moon Child Theme
El Niño
Moon Child End Theme
Moon Child (Movie)
Interview with Agustí Villaronga (2018)
Lobby Cards Photo Gallery
Isolated Score Tracks by Dead can Dance
Original Theatrical Trailers
Moon Child (Movie)
Interview with Agustí Villaronga (2018)
Lobby Cards Photo Gallery
Isolated Score Tracks by Dead can Dance
Original Theatrical Trailers
Blu Ray/DVD:
A Cult Epics Release BD156
©2018 Cult Epics. All Rights Reserved
Printed in the USA. Distributed in the USA & Canada
Region Blu Ray: ABC
Region DVD: 0 (NTSC)
Not Rated
©2019 Cult Epics. All Rights Reserved.
Comes as a hand number limited edition of 500.
Comes with a tarot card with an image of Lisa Gerrard in a scene from the movie, displaying a moon above her naked body.
[red. production originates from 1989]
Internationally known as 'Moon Child' but originally titled 'El Niño de la Luna'
[red. The BD/DVD was released in 2018 in a numbered limited edition of 500. The CD+BD/DVD combo at hand is actually limited to 100 and numbered from #401 to #500, so they are the last 100 of the original run of 500.]
Music By
Dead Can Dance
Copyright (c)
Cult Epics