1. On the Wind
2. We Meet Aesop
3. Wolf, The Dog and the Collar
4. Onager, The Donkey and the Driver
5. Eagle, The Jackdaw and the Shepherd
6. Stag at the Spring and the Lion
7. Cowardly Hunter and the Woodcutter
8. North Wind and the Sun
9. Oxen and the Axle
10. Wolf and the Lamb
11. Wolf and the Crane
12. Tortoise and the Hare
13. Farmer and the Stork
14. Miser
15. Hen and the Golden Eggs
16. Lonely Owl
17. Fox and the Goat
18. Bear and the Two Travelers
19. Dog in the Manger
20. Jean de La Fontaine
21. Ashers Fable
22. Boy Who Cried Wolf
23. Fox and the Raven
24. Fox and the Grapes
25. Climbing out of Wells
26. Shepherd and the Lion
27. Lion and the Mouse
28. Owl and the Cricket
29. Donkey and the Lyre/Farewell