1. Aarons Key/Christy Barrys/Liznagun
2. The Trip To Herves/Punch in the Dark/Music For a Found Harmonium
3. Paddy Ryans Dream/The Islay Rant/Woman of the House
4. The Further/The Deeper/Pat Mahons
5. The Maid of Llanwellyn
6. If Ever You Were Mine/Flowing Tide/Strathspey/The Devil and the Dirk
7. Anlon McKinney/Mind the Dresser/Old Favorite
8. Lots of Drops of Brandy/For the Love of Music
9. Calums Road/I Courted a Sailor/James OByrnes Reel
10. Ar Elrinn Ni Neosfainn C Hi [For Ireland Ill Not Tell Her Name]
11. The Sweetness of Mary/St. Annes Reel
12. Silver Spear/Martin Wynnes #2/The Stone Frigate/Contradiction/Bank of