The Circle Gathering
To You, Mighty Stones
The Hunt
Ghar Dalam
Silence, Sounds and Spaces is a contemporary concept project inspired by the prehistoric sites spread across the Maltese Islands. What began as a commission by Heritage Malta (the national agency for museums, conservation practice and cultural heritage) to score music to the visitors' audio guide of the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), developed into the release of a music album, and the presentation of a series of live solo performances in Malta, the United Kingdom and mainland Europe.
The music is rich, engaging and deeply expressive, with a skilful blend of unique on-site recordings at the various prehistoric sites (including Ghar Dalam, Ggantija temples, Hagar Qim temples and the Hypogeum). The result is a “chilling, mysterious, and forward-thinking musical journey” that draws listeners in to Renzo’s personal musical universe.
Composed By, Performer, Recorded By, Mixed By
Renzo Spiteri
Mixed By, Mastered By
Andrew J. Jones