1. Bobcat in the Mountain Laurel/Star of the County Down/The Osprey
2. Cumberland Gap
3. Whos Awake? Me Too!
4. Virginia Rail Reel/Ducks on the Pond/Old Blue
5. Great Blue Heron
6. Little Brown Bats Eating Mosquitos
7. Mairies Wedding
8. Butterfly/Swallowtail Jig/Virginia Ctenucha Moth
9. Bass Fishermans Reel/Falls of Richmond/Crawdad
10. Cockles and Mussels
11. Baldcypress Swamp
12. Turkey in the Straw
13. Bear/The Raccoon/The Fox/Spring in the Gap
14. Deer of the Dawn
15. Heavenly Dove (Barbara Allen)/Feathered Dove (Solitude in the GR
16. Eagles Wings (Lancaster)
17. Largo from Symphony 9 from the New World (Going Home)
18. Cuckoos Nest/Redwing/Listen to the Mockingbird