A Man For Our Times
Forget The Naughts
A Rove By Any Other Name
The Art Of Distraction
New American Century
Don't Praise The Machine
The Biggest Asshole In The World
Karl Rove, Let's Get Dirty
Courage and Consequence
Car Bomb
Invention VS Innovation
Lies, And The Lying Liars That Sell Them
A vile human being if there ever was one, Karl Rove, aka "Bush's Brain," was (and continues to be) responsible for countless crimes against humanity, and this limited LP remains testament to that fact. March of 2010 saw the release of Rove's lie-filled autobiography, titled of course, "Courage And Consequence," just in time to coincide with the satirical audio companion! Insert comes with various anti-Rove tracts as well as band info and contacts! Features one track each from The Heavenly States, Rival Dickens, Have Special Power, Assistant Cobra, Lambs Of Abortion, We're Gonna Fight The Eskimos Next, Cartographer, Death Dream, Generalissimo, Cold Lake, Hurry Up Shotgun, United Sons Of Toil, and Victory And Associates!
On March 14, 2010, a fan of this album was able to bring it face to face with the man himself! Here's his quote:
"I see him (Karl Rove) scanning the back. He is reading it and he mouths the words "biggest asshole" and looks down and reads out loud 'work of satire'. His smile disappears."
These cost a ton to make and are limited, sorry for the high price!