1. Its a Pirates World
2. Return To the Mermaids Fin
3. Tortuga
4. The Jolly Nostril
5. Scurvy Dogs and Scalleywags
6. Piratical Name
7. A Woman On Board
8. Peg-Leg Greg
9. Dead Men Tell No Tales
10. Pirate Movie Star
11. Its Good Luck To Kiss a Pirate
12. Let the Devil Have the King
13. When Your Mom is the Captain
14. Worms and Weevils
15. No Wonder We Love Plunder
16. The Master, the Swabber
17. Everyone Shouted Huzzah!
18. Buccaneer Pete
19. No Treasure Chest In Sight
20. Crabs
21. Storms Approaching
22. Sea Sick
23. A Thousand Leagues Away
24. My Compass Points To You
25. Yo Ho (A Pirates Life For Me)
26. Give a Poor Pirate a Penny