1. Absence
2. What Then Is Love?
3. I Saw My Lady Weep
4. If She Forsake Me
5. Dear, If You Change
6. Come, Phyllis
7. Stay, Time
8. It Was a Lover and His Lass
9. Weep You No More
10. When Laura Smiles
11. Fair, Sweet, Cruel
12. Shall I Sue?
13. Sweet, Stay Awhile
14. Who Is It?
15. Can She Excuse?
16. Come, Heavy Sleep
17. Wilt Thou Unkind, Thus Leave Me?
18. Sorrow, Stay
19. The Lowest Trees Have Tops
20. Times Eldest Son, Old Age
21. In Darkness Let Me Dwell
22. Say, Love, If Ever Thou Didst Find