Mega Man® Searing Scissors (Cut Man Stage) Breach (Dr. Wily Stage 1) Bombs Away! (Bomb Man Stage) Mega Man® X Slow Your Roll (Armored Armadillo Stage) Jungle Kuwanger (Boomer Kawanger Stage) Electric Spark (Spark Mandrill Stage) Mega Man® Zero Rubber Horse (Fake) Fluid Motion (Crash) The Nightwatch (Neo Arcadia) Mega Man® ZX Dagger Vision (Second Sight Mix )(Area L - Laboratory) Ore wa Rockman ZX (Area C - City) Model Funk (Area B - Mountain Pass) Mega Man Legends® Hanmuru Moon (Hanmuru Doll Appears!) Gate Crasher (Main Gate) Tres Bonne (We Are the Three Bonne Siblings) Mega Man Battle Network® Amps Macabre (Electrical Crisis) No Matter Where You Go, This Will Always Be Home (Hometown) Exchange (Boundless Network) Mega Man Star Force® Spacegazer (Space!?) Libra Funkadelic (Studying!) Falling Star (Shooting Star)