All Known Musics
Receding Tide
Interleaving Traps
Upper Canopy
Surface Tension
A Bryars Hymn
Slow Panic
The Horizon Filled With Sadness
"The first complete collaboration between marc barreca and k. leimer, the music of premap catalogs outcomes from a long-form exploration of file sharing accidents, unpredictable juxtapositions, electronic, acoustic and environmental sources frustrated by the perpetual meddling and intervention of the artists, each working in isolation, each reprocessing the work of the other. The process allowed shared sources to surface in differing pieces, affecting the music in differing ways and finally resulting in an automatic solution that exhibits a curious demonstration of theme and variation. Despite the seemingly random technique, once hidden and pervasive coherences emerge, shimmering with expanding, contracting and collapsing passages, fragmented sounds and slippery patterns that only occasionally settle into contemplative glimpses of calm amid the dense and unsettled audioforms." (from Palace of Lights website)