Orange Sky
The Sphere
On Gossamer Wings
Interstellar Dust
The Dream Exchange
Somnambulistic Journey
Ethereal Raga
Inland Returned
With You
The latest release from John Luttrell is The Dream Exchange. This album features John prominently on guitar with acoustic and electric ambient instrumental tracks that follow the theme of the album – the exchange of dreams.
“Throughout our lives we share our dreams with family and friends, and they share their dreams with us. If we're lucky we can help them activate and achieve their dreams and also work on achieving our own. How wonderful it is to experience and share in this Dream Exchange.â€
- John Luttrell, April 2014
"Auditory bliss and atmospheres to set the mind, body and soul at ease, a literal musical cloud of beauty and grace."
- Keith "MuzikMan" Hannaleck New Age Music Reviews
"Guitarist/keyboardist John Luttrell takes the listener on an entertaining cruise through a dizzying landscape of prog, new age, and EM on The Dream Exchange. The Dream Exchange demonstrates John Luttrell's unique musical vision via its guitar-driven soundscapes that flow forth from the speakers with power and imagination."
- Bill Binkelman Wind and Wire / Zone Music Reporter
"John Luttrell's ‘The Dream Exchange’ is surely among the best ambient albums I've listened to in the last five years; but, it's not ‘just another ambient’ affair... John calls his music ‘atmospheric’ for a very good reason - he draws on an extensive multi-cultural background to paint his visions for you in very clear, concise and enjoyable songs that will inspire you to new heights."
- Dick Metcalf, aka Rotcod Zzaj, IMPROVIJAZZATION NATION magazine
“I thoroughly enjoyed The Dream Exchange and especially liked the imaginative quality that John brings to his songs. Each one is like a mystical journey though diverse dream spaces. In addition to being a talented instrumentalist, John Luttrell is a skilled composer and arranger, with the ability to weave intricate stories in song that carry the listener into dream-like realms of imagination.
- Michael Diamond Music and Media Focus
Composed By
John Luttrell
John Luttrell