15 Step
Everything In Its Right Place
Weird Fishes
No Surprises
Paranoid Android
Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box
Pyramid Song
2 + 2 = 5
Motion Picture Soundtrack (Live)
Sybarite is:
Sami Merdinian - Violin
Sarah Whitney - Violin
Angela Pickett - Viola
Laura Metcalf - Cello
Louis Levitt - Double Bass
"Our first Radiohead cover, "Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box," was an experiment fueled by our fascination with the band's complex, arresting sound world. Our goal was to capture its spirit on acoustic stringed instruments. Inspired by the music in "Packt," and the powerful reaction of audiences, we knew we should do more. The result is this all-Radiohead LP, and it is the culmination of several years of work commissioning, arranging and performing the ten songs we've recorded. Our Radiohead remixes are now a staple of our repertoire and are met with excitement by Radiohead fans and classical chamber music enthusiasts alike, all over the USA and abroad. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do." -Sybarite5
The music of Radiohead is written by Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, Colin Greenwood, Ed O'Brian and Phillip Selway.
The music of Radiohead tracks 1-10 copyright Warner Bros Chappell Publishing LTD.
The copyright in the sound recording is owned by Sybarite Chamber Music Players LTD. (Copyright) 2012.
Tracks 2, 3, 5, 9 recorded at Harris Hall, Aspen, CO
Tracks 1, 7, 8 recorded at Bohemian National Hall, New York City
Tracks 4, 6 recorded at PAC3 Carbondale, CO
Track 10 recorded at Holley Hall, Sarasota, FL
Recording Engineer: Michael Mermagen
Recording Engineer: Steve Lemke* for "Motion Picture Soundtrack" only
Vinyl mastering by Joe Lambert
LP Design: Michael "Musca" Muscarella
Sybarite5 appears and is represented by Frank Salomon and Associates
CAG Records, CAG 109v
CAG Records
850 7th Ave, PH-A
New York, NY 10019
Manufactured and printed in the USA
Special Thanks:
Aspen Music Festival & School, Alan Fletcher, Paul Beck, Bohemian National Hall, Brian David Braun*, Concert Artists Guild, Pat Diamond, Marcy Edelstein, Joan Harris, Elizabeth Hullings, Paul Sanho Kim, Michael Mermagen, Lana Mione, Michael "Musca" Muscarella, Pac3 Carbondale, Radiohead, Adam Schoenberg, Joan and Virgil Simon, Michelle Skinner, The Cary New Music Fund, Tara Tomlinson
Photography by Brian David Braun
On Record label: The music of Radiohead is copyright Warner Bros Chappell Publishing LTD. Licensing obtained. The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Sybarite Chamber Players LTD (Copyright) 2012 109v
Laura Metcalf
Michael "Musca" Muscarella
Double Bass
Louis Levitt
Michael Mermagen,
Steve Lemke (tracks: 10)
Mastered By
Joe Lambert
Photography By
Brian David Braun
Angela Pickett
Sami Merdinian,
Sarah Whitney
Written By
Colin Greenwood,
Ed O'Brien,
Jonny Greenwood,
Phil Selway,
Thom Yorke