Ave Regina Caelorum, K208 - À Soprano Solo Con Violini E Viola
Sonata à 3, K367
Alma Redemptoris Mater, K185 - À Soprano Solo, Due Violini E Due Flauti
Sonata À 3, K369
Ave Regina Caelorum, K206 - À Soprano Solo
Sonata À 3, K379
Ave Regina Caelorum, K207 - À Soprano Solo E Due Violini
Sonata À 3, K377
Pia Mater Fon Amoris, M176 - Motetto De B.M.Virgine À Soprano E Due Violini
Sonata Pastorale À 3, K397
Ave Regina Caelorum, K205 - À Canto E Due Violini
Sonata À 4, K346
Alma Redemptoris Mater, K187 - À Soprano Solo E Due Violini
Standard jewel case with clear tray & 20-page booklet with liner notes in German and English, lyrics in Latin, German & English.
Musik zur Marienverehrung aus der Wiener Hofmusikkapelle
Music from Vienna's Court Chapel for the Adoration of the Virgin Mary
Recorded: January 6-8, 2017, Chapel of the Albertus Magnus-Gymnasium, Vienna
Recording, mastering & editing: Tonstudio W*A*R-Records
Cover painting: Juan de Espinal (1714-1783): La Inmaculada del Zodiaco (Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid)
℗ & © 2017 Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH
Distributed by Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH
Made in the EU
Sony Music Entertainment International Services GmbH, PO Box 510, 33311 Gütersloh, Germany
Cello [Baroque Cello]
Peter Trefflinger
Christine Schweitzer
Liner Notes [English Translation]
J. Bradford Robinson
Liner Notes [Lyrics English Translation]
J. Bradford Robinson
Liner Notes [Lyrics German Translation]
Elisabeth Tschuden
Liner Notes [© 2017]
Thomas Johann Wimmer,
Organ [Positive]
Magdalena Hasibeder
Painting [Cover Painting]
Juan de Espinal
Painting [Inmaculada Concepción]
Miguel Jacinto Meléndez
Painting [Portait Of Charles VI]
Johann Gottfried Auerbach
Photography By [Booklet Photos: Hana Blažíková ©]
Thomas Wimmer
Photography By [Booklet Photos: Thomas Wimmer ©]
Michael Posch,
Stefan Schwaiger
Recorded By, Mastered By, Edited By
Elisabeth Reithofer,
Wolfgang Reithofer
Michael Posch,
Sheng-Fang Chiu
Soprano Vocals
Hana Blažíková
Viola [Baroque Viola]
Ivan Becka
Violin [Baroque Violin]
Elisabeth Wiesbauer,
Ulli Engel
Thomas Wimmer
Phonographic Copyright (p)
Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH
Copyright (c)
Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH
Distributed By
Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH
Record Company
Sony Music Entertainment International Services GmbH
Recorded At
Chapel Of The Albertus Magnus-Gymnasium
Recorded By
W*A*R Studio
Mastered At
W*A*R Studio
Edited At
W*A*R Studio
Glass Mastered At