Wenig Information
Bad Ground
Five More Years
Sounds Weird
2:14 |
Recorded on Ardour at Sperrmücc Studios, Vienna.
Mixdown and premastering at Motone Sound Services, Vienna.
Vinyl mastering at Dubplates&Mastering, Berlin.
Takeshi Fumimoto thanks Johannes Brahms, Dieb13, Eh, Filament, Nikolaus Gansterer, Institut Für Transakustik, Erik M., Christian Marclay, Merzbow, Martin NG, Pure, Marina Rosenfeld and Otomo Yoshihide for their great vinyl music.
Dieb13's tracks are based on Takeshi Fumimoto's tracks.
(cc) 2005. some rights reserved. you are free: to sample, mash-up, or otherwise creatively transform this work for commercial or noncommercial purpose, to perform, display, and distribute copies of this whole work for noncommercial purpose (e.g., file-sharing or noncommercial webcasting) under the following conditions: you must give the original author credit. you may not use this work to advertise for or promote anything but the work you create from it. for any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.
Limited to 500 copies, packaged in a clear plastic sleeve.
Tracktitles listed sequentially on release.
Side B ends in a locked groove.
Computer [Kluppe And Other Software] – - Dieb13 (tracks: A2, A4, A6, B8, B10, B12)Lacquer Cut By [Vinyl Mastering By] – - Rashad Becker
Mixed By [Mixdown], Mastered By [Premastering] – - Martin Siewert
Recorded By, Computer [Ardour] – - Dieter Kovacic
Turntables – - Takeshi Fumimoto (tracks: A1, A3, A5, B7, B9, B11)
Recorded At Sperrmuecc Studio
Mixed At Motone Sound Services
Mastered At Motone Sound Services
Lacquer Cut At Dubplates amp Mastering