This standalone novel by the author of the beloved Betsy-Tacy series, Emily of Deep Valley is set in Betsy Ray's Deep Valley and tells the story of a young woman who longs to go off to college following her high school graduation, but whose family commitments demand she stay close to home. Resigning herself to a "lost winter," Emily nonetheless throws herself into a new program of study and a growing interest in the local Syrian immigrant community, and when she meets a handsome new teacher at the high school, gains more than she ever dreamed possible. Maud Hart Lovelace's only young adult standalone novel, Emily of Deep Valley is considered to be one of the author's finest works.
This edition includes a foreword by acclaimed young adult author Mitali Perkins, compelling historical material about the real people who inspired Lovelace's beloved characters and a biography of illustrator Vera Neville, whose original cover illustration is featured on the cover.
"I re-read these books every year." --Laura Lippman
"There are three authors whose body of work I have reread more than once over my adult life: Charles Dickens, Jane Austen and Maud Hart Lovelace." --Anna Quindlen